Go a head and make yourself comfortable.
This domain does not deduct itself to any man imposed formalities. If fact, this domain opts to be an informal dedication. Dictated by desperation to abandon all sense of old sensations. A last stitch defense against surrendering to the often fantasized narrative that typically supported the notion that maybe, just maybe I wasn’t meant to live.
I am by no means a professional in the world of Mental Healthcare..
Rather, I suppose I’m here, to bear testimony to my 13 years since initial diagnosis journey followed with on again/off again treatment through the Mental Health care system of America. More accurately, the tales I will tell alll fan within the time frame of 2012-2025 within Four distinct regions; Conyers, GA – Mcdonough, GA – Decatur, GA – Fort Collins, CO. And, if it helps you to better know me, and that is obviously the goal here..I am now 30 and a little more than a half, so my story begins at 17 an continues even now.
Contact us
Let’s connect
I would love to hear about your mental health journey. If you would like to submit your narrative accounts of the progression and interactions of your mental health journey, Please send me an email titled American Analogue Project detailing the bones of your experience and how you would like to go about sharing it. We can work together to find the right medium for sharing your Mental Health Experience.

Phone number
(470) 239-0087